Around this time of year, sometimes a month or two earlier, one tends to run across resource lists or resource guides for celebrating holidays in a particular fashion. At least two of my neighbors had Christmas trees up a full month ago, and many others tossed carved or whole pumpkins to the curb starting in late September. I'm a more church-year kind of girl, and decided to use an older sense of " resource " for this post. There are zero specific product recommendations (at least those that require purchase). I hope you enjoy the ideas! Cross-posted to my Substack . Atmosphere of the Home If you scan this post, you might notice that I took a line from Charlotte Mason in designing my headings. In our household, we've started home education before finding out we were autistic and also well before Child gets old enough to "attend" school. I'm also a second-generation homeschooler, with at least 2 family members likely on the spectrum, so I have some expe...
From the creator of The Renaissance Biologist