Believe it or not, I had not heard of N. T. Wright before Husband and I started to talk in earnest and date. Since then, I haven't become as much of an avid reader as he has, but I have grown to appreciate the prolific and exegetical mind of this former Bishop of Durham. The first book I read by Wright was, last year, The Challenge of Jesus . I would love to share in this post some ways I immediately and later processed the material of the book. As a reminder, here's the general outline of this post: I will . . . Contextualize the author's writings as a whole (bibliography) Bring the author's major ideas to the present day Comment on major sections of the book, or important chapters, depending on organization Wright's Extensive Bibliography Thus far, one of the best Internet-based brief biographies of this not-yet-late bishop can be found here . Writing-related highlights include the fact that he spent a solid 20+ years reading without any significant scholarly outp...
From the creator of The Renaissance Biologist